New Delhi
Specialized in luxury penthouses and premium living spaces
Meticulous attention to detail in every design element
Custom material selection and bespoke design solutions
We specialize in creating bespoke luxury residential interiors that blend modern aesthetics with classical charm. Our comprehensive design services cover both new builds and renovations, with meticulous attention to customization in colors, materials, and layouts.
Luxury homeowners seeking sophisticated living spaces that combine functionality with elegance, particularly those who appreciate a harmonious blend of contemporary and classical design elements.
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1302 connects in last 3 months
My Story
Our roots - We're a Delhi-based design studio that blends modern style with classic charm in luxury spaces.
What drives us - Creating personalized spaces that tell unique stories is what gets us excited every morning.
Our passion - We believe in sustainable design and letting nature inspire our creative process.
My Work
What we do - We offer complete interior design, architecture services, and free consultations for luxury spaces.
How we're different - Each project is uniquely customized, blending modern aesthetics with classical elements for timeless appeal.
Our signature projects - From a 7000 sqft penthouse to a 3.5-acre wellness resort, we create sophisticated retreats.
Our approach - We focus on detailed client interactions to ensure every design element matches their vision perfectly.
© Speakleap Technologies Private Limited